// The rationale for having a separate `CountryCode` type instead of just a `string`: // https://github.com/catamphetamine/libphonenumber-js/issues/170#issuecomment-363156068 export type CountryCode = 'AC' | 'AD' | 'AE' | 'AF' | 'AG' | 'AI' | 'AL' | 'AM' | 'AO' | 'AR' | 'AS' | 'AT' | 'AU' | 'AW' | 'AX' | 'AZ' | 'BA' | 'BB' | 'BD' | 'BE' | 'BF' | 'BG' | 'BH' | 'BI' | 'BJ' | 'BL' | 'BM' | 'BN' | 'BO' | 'BQ' | 'BR' | 'BS' | 'BT' | 'BW' | 'BY' | 'BZ' | 'CA' | 'CC' | 'CD' | 'CF' | 'CG' | 'CH' | 'CI' | 'CK' | 'CL' | 'CM' | 'CN' | 'CO' | 'CR' | 'CU' | 'CV' | 'CW' | 'CX' | 'CY' | 'CZ' | 'DE' | 'DJ' | 'DK' | 'DM' | 'DO' | 'DZ' | 'EC' | 'EE' | 'EG' | 'EH' | 'ER' | 'ES' | 'ET' | 'FI' | 'FJ' | 'FK' | 'FM' | 'FO' | 'FR' | 'GA' | 'GB' | 'GD' | 'GE' | 'GF' | 'GG' | 'GH' | 'GI' | 'GL' | 'GM' | 'GN' | 'GP' | 'GQ' | 'GR' | 'GT' | 'GU' | 'GW' | 'GY' | 'HK' | 'HN' | 'HR' | 'HT' | 'HU' | 'ID' | 'IE' | 'IL' | 'IM' | 'IN' | 'IO' | 'IQ' | 'IR' | 'IS' | 'IT' | 'JE' | 'JM' | 'JO' | 'JP' | 'KE' | 'KG' | 'KH' | 'KI' | 'KM' | 'KN' | 'KP' | 'KR' | 'KW' | 'KY' | 'KZ' | 'LA' | 'LB' | 'LC' | 'LI' | 'LK' | 'LR' | 'LS' | 'LT' | 'LU' | 'LV' | 'LY' | 'MA' | 'MC' | 'MD' | 'ME' | 'MF' | 'MG' | 'MH' | 'MK' | 'ML' | 'MM' | 'MN' | 'MO' | 'MP' | 'MQ' | 'MR' | 'MS' | 'MT' | 'MU' | 'MV' | 'MW' | 'MX' | 'MY' | 'MZ' | 'NA' | 'NC' | 'NE' | 'NF' | 'NG' | 'NI' | 'NL' | 'NO' | 'NP' | 'NR' | 'NU' | 'NZ' | 'OM' | 'PA' | 'PE' | 'PF' | 'PG' | 'PH' | 'PK' | 'PL' | 'PM' | 'PR' | 'PS' | 'PT' | 'PW' | 'PY' | 'QA' | 'RE' | 'RO' | 'RS' | 'RU' | 'RW' | 'SA' | 'SB' | 'SC' | 'SD' | 'SE' | 'SG' | 'SH' | 'SI' | 'SJ' | 'SK' | 'SL' | 'SM' | 'SN' | 'SO' | 'SR' | 'SS' | 'ST' | 'SV' | 'SX' | 'SY' | 'SZ' | 'TA' | 'TC' | 'TD' | 'TG' | 'TH' | 'TJ' | 'TK' | 'TL' | 'TM' | 'TN' | 'TO' | 'TR' | 'TT' | 'TV' | 'TW' | 'TZ' | 'UA' | 'UG' | 'US' | 'UY' | 'UZ' | 'VA' | 'VC' | 'VE' | 'VG' | 'VI' | 'VN' | 'VU' | 'WF' | 'WS' | 'XK' | 'YE' | 'YT' | 'ZA' | 'ZM' | 'ZW'; // Seems like it doesn't work for some reason: // https://gitlab.com/catamphetamine/libphonenumber-js/-/issues/94 // // import metadata from './metadata.min.json' // // Reads the list of ISO country codes from the JSON file. // // https://github.com/catamphetamine/libphonenumber-js/issues/405#issuecomment-1447027961 // const getObjectKeys = Object.keys as (object: T) => Array // const CountryCodes = getObjectKeys(metadata.countries) // // The `CountryCode` type is generated from the list of `CountryCodes`. // // https://github.com/catamphetamine/libphonenumber-js/issues/405 // export type CountryCode = typeof CountryCodes[number]; export type CountryCallingCodes = { [countryCallingCode: string]: CountryCode[]; }; export type Countries = { // Metadata here is a compressed one, // so a country's data is just an array of some properties // instead of a JSON object of shape: // { // phone_code: string, // idd_prefix: string, // national_number_pattern: string, // types: object, // examples: object, // formats: object[]?, // possible_lengths: number[], // ... // } // // `in` operator docs: // https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/advanced-types.html#mapped-types // `country in CountryCode` means "for each and every CountryCode". [country in CountryCode]?: any[]; }; export type MetadataJson = { country_calling_codes: CountryCallingCodes; countries: Countries; }; export type Examples = { // `in` operator docs: // https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/advanced-types.html#mapped-types // `country in CountryCode` means "for each and every CountryCode". [country in CountryCode]: NationalNumber; }; export type NumberFormat = 'NATIONAL' | 'INTERNATIONAL' | 'E.164' | 'RFC3966' | 'IDD'; export type NumberType = undefined | 'PREMIUM_RATE' | 'TOLL_FREE' | 'SHARED_COST' | 'VOIP' | 'PERSONAL_NUMBER' | 'PAGER' | 'UAN' | 'VOICEMAIL' | 'FIXED_LINE_OR_MOBILE' | 'FIXED_LINE' | 'MOBILE'; // "Tagged" types are used to introduce some degree of type safety when passing in arguments to the functions. // https://medium.com/@ethanresnick/advanced-typescript-tagged-types-for-fewer-bugs-and-better-security-24db681d5721 // // For example, if some function returns an `E164Number`, it can only be interpreted as // either a `string` or an `E164Number` and it can't mistakenly be interpreted as // a `NationalNumber` or an `Extension` or a `CarrierCode` or a `CountryCallingCode`. // // Example: // // import type { E164Number, CarrierCode } from 'libphonenumber-js' // const number: E164Number = '+78005553535' // const carrierCode: CarrierCode = number // // Shows an error: // Type 'E164Number' is not assignable to type 'CarrierCode'. // // Originally, the `__tag` property was declared optional in order to allow passing // a generic `string` in place of a `Tagged` type argument to functions that receive such arguments: // that would allow ingesting generic `string` values from an outside source such as a database. // Without that, those externally-obtained `string` values would have to be forcefully converted // to the `Tagged` type via TypeScript `as` operator which is an anti-pattern. // // Later, it has been decided to make the `__tag` property non-optional and instead // declare the arguments of those functions as `string | Tagged` rather than just `Tagged`: // that would still allow ingesting generic `string` values from an outside source // and would also make the `Tagged` type more "type safe". // type Tagged = A & { __tag: T }; export type E164Number = Tagged; export type NationalNumber = Tagged; export type Extension = Tagged; export type CarrierCode = Tagged; export type CountryCallingCode = Tagged; type FormatExtension = (formattedNumber: string, extension: Extension, metadata: MetadataJson) => string type FormatNumberOptionsWithoutIDD = { v2?: boolean; formatExtension?: FormatExtension; }; type FormatNumberOptions = { v2?: boolean; fromCountry?: CountryCode; humanReadable?: boolean; nationalPrefix?: boolean; formatExtension?: FormatExtension; }; // // https://stackoverflow.com/a/67026991 // type ArrayOfAtLeastOneCountryCode = [CountryCode, ...CountryCode[]]; export class PhoneNumber { constructor(countryCallingCodeOrCountry: CountryCallingCode | CountryCode, nationalNumber: NationalNumber, metadata: MetadataJson); countryCallingCode: CountryCallingCode; country?: CountryCode; nationalNumber: NationalNumber; number: E164Number; carrierCode?: CarrierCode; ext?: Extension; setExt(ext: Extension): void; getPossibleCountries(): CountryCode[]; isPossible(): boolean; isValid(): boolean; getType(): NumberType; format(format: NumberFormat, options?: FormatNumberOptions): string; formatNational(options?: FormatNumberOptionsWithoutIDD): string; formatInternational(options?: FormatNumberOptionsWithoutIDD): string; getURI(options?: FormatNumberOptionsWithoutIDD): string; isNonGeographic(): boolean; isEqual(phoneNumber: PhoneNumber): boolean; } export interface NumberFound { number: PhoneNumber; startsAt: number; endsAt: number; } // Deprecated export interface NumberFoundLegacy { country: CountryCode; phone: NationalNumber; ext?: Extension; startsAt: number; endsAt: number; } export class ParseError { message: string; } export interface NumberingPlan { leadingDigits(): string | undefined; possibleLengths(): number[]; IDDPrefix(): string; defaultIDDPrefix(): string | undefined; } // The rationale for having a separate type for the result "enum" instead of just a `string`: // https://github.com/catamphetamine/libphonenumber-js/issues/170#issuecomment-363156068 export type ValidatePhoneNumberLengthResult = 'INVALID_COUNTRY' | 'NOT_A_NUMBER' | 'TOO_SHORT' | 'TOO_LONG' | 'INVALID_LENGTH';